
I am very excited about my soon-to-be-released debut novel, Paladin, a fantasy adventure novel that has garnered over ten million reads so far on Wattpad, the social networking platform for readers and writers.

When I’m not writing, I work as a public relations professional at a financial communications firm in New York City. As a byproduct I get to do quite a bit of editing/writing at work – but it’s all nonfiction articles/speeches/press releases and unfortunately my name doesn’t get to byline the articles I write (oh, the joys of ghostwriting!). I absolutely adore my job – but my passion is creative writing! Creative nonfiction was my forte back in my not-so-ancient college days, but it’s not what I like to read. My favorite genres to read are epic fantasy, PNR, and urban fantasy, but I’ll read anything. I’m in search of my reader soul mate who is as die hard a fan of Ilona Andrews as I am.

You can also find me on Twitter @sallyroseslater, follow my author page on Facebook at http://on.fb.me/UNQd0X or check out my blog: http://sallyslater.blogspot.com/

Highest Rankings on Wattpad:
Adventure #1 (Paladin)
Fantasy #1 (Paladin)
Romance #44 (Paladin)
Paranormal #8 (Magical PR 101)
Vampire #15 (Magical PR 101)

Random fun facts:
– I’m crazy strong. I can dead-lift 235 lbs (that’s about 107 kg for my non-American fans). I dabble in CrossFit and firmly believe that women in both real life and fiction should be strong.
– I’m a singer. I was trained classically (think Italian arias), but prefer to sing show tunes
– I have dual citizenship – U.S. and Germany. Aber ich spreche kein Deutsch.
– I drink obscene amounts of diet Mountain Dew (usually a liter per day)

Want to know anything else, just ask! In fact stay in touch by signing on to my email list!


  1. Hello Sally!!! When I turned on my phone an hour ago; and I saw that you had updated, I was SO happy!!!! And when I saw that it was an update to buy your book I was even happier!! I ran downstairs to my mom and gave her 10$ and said
    “I OWE YOU 20$.”
    I love Paladin so much, and I’m terribly exited for your sequel.
    Colette 😉

    1. Hi Colette – Thanks so much!!! And tell your mom thanks from me too, haha. So excited to have finally gotten Paladin to this point, and I’m ready to sign your book for you!

  2. Congratulations, Sally. Wish you all the success on your journey.

    Your belief that women should be strong comes across clearly in your book. Sam is one of the most delightful and a crazy strong character I have ever come across. Paladin will remain one of my favorite books of all time, and I cannot wait to own a copy. Would love to see Paladin translated onto the big screen, someday :)

    Best wishes <3


    1. Thanks so much, Neeru! You’ve been with me almost since Day 1, it feels like, and I’m so grateful for your continued support!

      And yes, the big screen sure would be nice…a girl can dream…


  3. I saw your book Paladin on Wattpad and read it. I thought it was wonderful! But when I saw what you were doing with the book, trying to publish it, I was amazed. Right now, you are doing what I hope to do in the future. You have become someone who I admire, just for finishing Paladin as well written as it was. I will definitely watch for your book, or get my parents to buy it for me for my birthday. You have just an amazingly written story on Wattpad, but I am very excited to see your rewritten work!


    1. Good luck, Sydney! It took a long time to get to this point, but now that I’m here, it feels totally worth it. Thanks so much for your continued support!


  4. Hi Sally
    My name is carlin and I’m in 7th grade (I’m young I know, but I like to think of myself as an old soul). Anyways this is like the second time I’ve wrote to you

  5. I am just so excited for you! You worked so hard to get here! You are an inspiration! You have no idea how excited I am to get the book. I already ordered my copy. Thank you for never giving up your dream. I can’t wait for the sequel.

    1. Thank you so much, BJ! I’m looking forward to signing it for you 😉 And I’ve already got my outline for the sequel(s)…can’t wait to get started! It’s been amazing to get so much support from the Wattpad community.

  6. Hi Sally
    I’m on Wattpad as well, and I must say your book is one of the best I’ve read. It has all the right elements of fantasy, adventure, and a bit of romance. You’ve become one of my top role models. Congratulations on publishing!

  7. Hi Sally!
    I love your Novel Paladin I can’t wait for it to come out! I’m looking forward to a sequel if you write one!

    1. Hi Destiny – Thanks so much! I assure you, definitely plan on writing a sequel! 😉 Can’t wait to start working on it once Paladin comes out this spring.


  8. Hey Sally, I adore Paladin and I was almost jumping for joy when your announced that we can now get a copy! My only question is: where can I get it from and how much does it cost? (Sorry, it was meant to be one question :)

    1. Hey Naomi – the book comes out as an ebook and paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks and Smashwords on May 14! There are also a few limited edition hardbacks ($30) if you want to snag one.

  9. Hi Sally!
    I’m so excited for the book i thought it was comming out may 28 not the 14! But it’s so Close I’m not sure I’m ready for the book…. I’ve water forever!
    (I’m Warlordofnotch on wattpad)

    1. Hey Anthony! (/Warlordofnotch, haha) I am soooo ready for the 14th! Only one more day! Glad you’re excited for it. I don’t think I can take the waiting any more :)

  10. Hi. Was hoping to get a hard copy for my daughter. She thought she had pe-ordered it but can not find any confirmation nor any way to get it through the website (only ebook).

    Is there still a way to get a signed hard copy ?

    1. Hi Gareth,

      I’m part of Sally’s publishing team – I’ve sent you an email with some details. The hardcover version of Paladin is available on Amazon now (here’s the link: goo.gl/2JjbAx), but if your daughter pre-ordered the limited edition, I want to make sure she’s taken care of. Look for an email from jdawson@perfect-analogy.com.


  11. Hi I tried ordering the hard cover a while ago and I haven’t been able to. I was trying to get it as a birthday present but I still don’t know how I can get it. I don’t think she’s signing copies anymore is there some way I can still get it?

  12. Hi, I don’t usually leave comments and or questions for authors but seriously. Jeeze lady, that was a great read. It’s been a while since I’ve stayed up until 4am because I couldn’t put a book down. Seriously. Thank you. Ha-ha. I’ve been fixated on kick ass heroines since I was little. This definitely gave me a fix I’ve been craving. This is a non preassuring question because I know writing books and sequals can take ages… Are you planning on righting a sequals? If so, time frame in the picture yet? I have loads of patience and other series waiting for endings as well I can add this story to. So no pressure. I will read anything you write at this point.

    1. Hey Jessie! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment :) For the record, I love hearing from readers, so it’s awesome that you dropped by my site. Also a lifelong fan of kick ass heroines, but I’m sure that won’t surprise you :)

      RE: your sequel question, 100% yes there will be a sequel to Paladin. I’m working on it now, slowly but surely (I have to work my writing schedule around the day job!). If all goes as planned, the next book will hopefully come out next spring.


  13. Hey Sally! Do you know if you will be writing a Paladin sequel in the future? The book is amazing and I want to read more stories set in your wonderful universe!

    1. Hi Mary Ann – Yes to a sequel! I’ve already made a little bit of headway on the next book. Awesome to hear you enjoyed Paladin so much!


  14. You had me at deadlift :). I lift as well but powerlifting style.
    I enjoyed the book a lot. Loved Sam. I’m looking forward to the sequel. How many books have you planned for the series? Just wondering.

  15. Hi Sally. I recently stumbled on your book on Amazon and instantly fell in love with the idea. As a life long Tamora Pierce fan I can’t believe I have found another kick ass heroine that I have fallen head over heels with! Sam is such an amazing character along with Tristan and Braeden it makes a great story….one I started and couldn’t put down until 4am this morning when I finished the book! All I can say is …. please hurry with the sequels …I can’t wait to explore Sam and Braeden’s love story and also seeing how Tristan flies in his role -and also how he forgives Sam! A grown up book that all can read….I can’t wait for the next instalment. Hurry!

  16. Ps – I think you should quit your day job and just write because you are extremely good at it. I loved the comical elements to your story especially the during the brothel scene. I love Braeden and Sam but must admit I don’t know if he is her true love, maybe her first but, there is definitely something between her and Tristan and I hope to see that evolve somehow, looking forward to the next book I almost wish I didn’t read this in 24hours and let it last longer!

    1. Agreed! Braeden is the classic tortured hero but – much as I love the book!- his struggles seem too obvious compared to Tristan’s! I think T has a lot more depth than he s been credited with! Can’t wait for book2!!!

  17. Hi Sally! I am a huge fan of your writing. I downloaded Paladin on my kindle one day and couldn’t put it down. You are definitely one of my favorite writers, and I am actually rereading Paladin right now in hopes of having the story fresh in my mind when (hopefully) Uriel comes out soon! I’ve read the first few chapters on Wattpad- now I’m just sad that can’t continue. Whenever Uriel comes out, I will be one of the first to bye it! I wish you luck with your writing (not that you need it) and I hope to see some updates from you soon! I know I can’t be the only one anxiously waiting to devours Uriel! I love your writing and can’t wait for more of Sam and Braedon. Never stop writing, you would leave more people devastated than you know. 😉 Now get Uriel out there for us as soon as you can! Many of your fans will be waiting and hoping until then. :)

  18. Hi, Im currently reading your latest release ‘Paladin’ and I was wondering if you would be interested in letting me use it as a basis for a school short film. I absolutely adore the story line and I find it to be thrilling and extremely creative. I, along with everyone on the film crew would of course give full credit to you and your amazing writing talent. Please get back to me as soon as you can!

    –Jak (FGHS Film Club President)

  19. Hello Sally,

    I really enjoyed your book; I read it last year and just reread it recently; I’m wondering if a sequel is in the works and if so when readers might excitedly mark their calaendars for its release

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